Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 8 - 21, 2012

Vacation and long work weeks have limited time for updates. The SI joint in my back finally fell into place after therapy with Dr. Nolan on the 8th. For 2 weeks I ran pain free until slipping on a rock while vacationing at the North Shore. After one visit back to Dr. Nolan and Rapp chiropractic it's feeling better but not the absolute perfection of movement I had been enjoying.

October 8, 2012
2 miles 18:38, 6:30 am Jensen Lake
3.6 miles 35:00 6:30pm Neill Lake (2 laps)

October 9, 2012
2 miles 20:25 6:30am Jensen Lake
3.1 miles 28:15 6:00pm Jensen and 2 Ponds

October 10, 2012

October 11, 2012
2 miles, 20:00 6:30am Jensen Lake - felt worn out after the hard 3mile yesterday.

October 12, 2012
3.6 miles, 29:33 5:00pm Neill Lake (2 laps) felt good so went pretty hard.

October 13, 2012
8.0 miles, 1hr 20:13 Hyland Park - Hills!
First run in my new Altra's went well but the ironman socks were bad and had to stop and take them off the last mile due to chafing. AAANNND, speaking of chafing - it was cold but I was sweating heavily and the stiff wet polyester rubbed into my chest I had blood spots where my nipple were bleeding. Awesome! I've read about happening but thought it would only happen if one were to wear an all cotton shirt. Now if I'm going any further than 5 miles I band-aid up.

October 14, 2012

24.3 miles, 3hrs 52:04 elevation ~2000'

October 15, 2012
5.4 miles, 1hr 05:00 Tofte, Temperance River TH to overlook
Running on the Superior hiking trail was awesome while my back was feeling good. 1300' feet of elevation gain in 2.5 miles was tough but so enjoyable.

October 16, 2012
8.0 miles, 5hrs 30mins Lutsen Cascade River Loop 
Hiking with Jen. Just sick hills up and down along the river up to highway 45 and back. Got my ass kicked on the return loop when Jen picked up the pace and I was lumbering over tree roots and down hills. Female endurance, what can ya do?
I'd like to have some long runs that go for 5 hours - epic!

October 17, 2012
6.4 miles, 1hr 15:24 Tofte, Temperance River to Carlton Peak
Awesome last day run to the overlook Jen and I hiked to last year on our Honeymoon. "Where's the Lake?" She was pretty tired after I dragged her all over the North Shore for 3 days.

October 18, 2012
4.3 miles, 37:52 Duluth from Motel to Lincoln park
Running on concrete again was agonizing. Cut the run short when the left lower knee had a sharp pain. Initially this was supposed to be an easy run. But like all routes in Duluth any turns to the west go up steep hills.

October 19, 2012

October 20, 2012
8.7 miles, 1hr 43:00 Hyland Lake in Reverse
This was a lot of fun getting to the ski jump quicker. Wasn't a great run, forgot my watch and stopped back at the car after 4 miles for a drink. Then at 7 miles that sharp pain in my knee returned and I walked for a half mile until it subsided and jogged back to the car. I'm fairly confident the time I actually ran was much less than what I estimated.

October 21, 2012
6.6 miles, 58:33 running intervals at the track ~ 7:30 miles x 4. 1 mile warm up, 1 mile cooldown barefoot on the infield.

31.4 miles, 5hrs 40:19 total elevation ~ 5500'

Trails up temperance river were fairly technical but not to the point where one might feel they will trip every step.  Many of the sections where the trail is washing out have plank bridges that felt bouncy and give the slightest bit of nerves while crossing. Near the trail heads of many routes to the Superior hiking trail are maintained by a hiking club and are extremely well maintained.

I already miss the runs up north, though the mpm drops so much, the views the feel of the dirt,and bouncing around all the technical parts with each step were exciting. I'd like to take a few camping trips up there next summer for more!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 4 - 7, 2012

Work has been extremely busy so time for logging runs has proportionately decreased.

October 4, 2012
2 miles (22:14) at Jensen Lake  6:00am
2 miles (22:10) around Neill Lake 6:30pm (With Jen)
Legs destroyed, and just did a couple recovery runs after the hard/hilly 5 miles at Lebanon hills. A strange click started in my left leg hamstring tendon. Stretched out really good after and it went away.

A small narritve I wrote about it.
Ow. Ouch. Damn, my foot hurts.  Same one, the right; same place, the top. My legs ache. And I'd like a nap.  But I feel the need to run more!  Trails are fun, and just going to become exhilarating one day! This day, my foot hurts from 210lbs + gravity pounding down dirt hills for 7 miles yesterday.  Going out this morning I knew would be slow and the lower half of my body so tender I walked up the two big hills. Easy run indeed.

Long runs share much of the after effects of an all night drinking binge. The next day you don't want to move. Instead of your head pounding your legs are throbbing and feet swollen. Rays of light and noises above the normal speaking tone make you wince and retreat when your brain is embalmed in liquor. A pace faster than

October 5, 2012
2 miles (19:24) at Jensen Lake  6:30am
2 miles (17:21) at Jensen Lake 1:30pm
2 miles (16:54) at Jensen Lake 6:00pm
Started out slow in the morning still feeling the 5 mile fast tempo run deeper into the east side of Lebanon Hills park from Wednesday. Later in the day I felt good enough and fell in behind another runner to push a PR pace around the lake.

October 6, 2012
OFF - knee was stiff, body extremely worn out. Just recovered.

October 7, 2012
8.5 miles 1:27:00 at Hyland Park 8:am
Set out for an intended leisurely and 6 mile length run. In addition to some lessons learned I found my way around for hopefully a smoother run next time. Downed a GU just as I jumped out of the car as a test to see how it would hold as opposed to the 15 minutes prior to workout the packaging recommends.

Lesson 1: Fall leaves covering the ground are the deceptive epitome of a picturesque run.
Tree roots are hidden under those beautiful piles and make for bad tripping hazards.  Somewhere around mile .25 I was attacked by a lurking tree root, incognito in the colored fauna that landed me straight to the ground. While it was a jarring surprise, I rolled out of it nicely and had only very minor scuffs on my hands. Within the first 2 miles, two other hidden roots tried to take a hit out on me and I finally put the effort into higher steps as I went.

Everything was feeling good, the first two miles clicked off quickly due to the minor familiarity from the last outing.  Coming upon that split in the road with the sign that  sent me the wrong direction last week I went around the now closed fence into the northern most part of the park. 

Immediately the trail turned into several steep downhills through some denser softwood trees and burst out onto a lower slope of a ski area. I knew the trail went around the back area of some kind of recreation area but didn't realize it would be steep ski slopes. Instead of wearing myself out I power hiked up to the center lift and wandered around the back side to the furthest part of the slope. Unfortunately there wasn't any obvious sign of a trail leading out, just a bulldozer,some churned up topsoil and a fully dressed man walking away from the tractor. As I stood there trying to determine the a new route, the guy walked up the hill on a small single track trail and started to crest it when I realized he was a hiker and this was probably my road through.  Quickly I cruised past him on  a very steep downhill and tried to set into a tempo again until I reached the base of the hill and saw a small side road, interstate 494 and several huge corporate buildings. Turning away to get my bearings the next thing I spot -

Near the bottom of that grassy hill is where I found myself gawking back up a 60+ degree slope. Gauging the "No public access" signs to the right  I decided the fastest way out was to hike up to the ski jump hill and find my way back. Trekking up that incline had my thighs burning and huffing heavily. At the top a road split again and I noticed a truck coming up from the right I assumed was some official park vehicle, so decided take the left route right away.

A trail ambled it's way down to the northern section of the park to what should have been return road to the parking lot where I left Blue.  Navigating this small section was difficult if one tries to use the posted maps.

Lesson #2: Not all maps are oriented to point north.
After deciding on a route which showed returning to the parking lot I set off  on some very padded wood chip paths that kept trying to loop back in the direction I began.  Despite my effort to move in a southern direction the non-navigational road sign was suddenly coming up on my left and tacking on a full mile to my trek. Realizing the route I was now on was heading back to the ski jump I cut through a trampled section of woods and emerged back at the bulldozer and top of the ski slopes. Running back the same direction doesn't appeal to me as a new trail or scenery will and I chose to tackle the highest point of the slopes for another route to my destination.  Some random park worker must have spotted me earlier and just as I was starting to descend back towards the trail that led me onto the hill a fella with a CB radio squawked he could "see me" and headed in my direction. A game trail plummeting down the hill was the first thing I saw and really didn't want the hassle of listening to someone go on about private property and making an this run any more tiring.

Single track down hill is extremely technical especially for me, so walking made more sense. Finally I found some familiar sights and set out to finish strong after so many tiring ascents that morning. A forethought before leaving that morning was to bring 2 bottles of Gatorade which I quickly dispatched to my stomach in under a minute after an hour and half of running without any hydration.

This coming weekend I plan to incorporate a lot of the ski area into my long run and hopefully find a way through the dead end on the west side of the park.

33.5 miles 5 hours 27 minutes
By far this is my highest single mileage in my life and I will be looking to top it next week.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 2 & 3, 2012 (Updated)

October 2
2 Miles, 18:41  Jensen Lake Loop
Much colder today, but still running in just t-shirt and shorts tryin' to keep it Krupicka style.  Low 40's isn't bad after a half mile and after 1 mile it's hardly noticeable.  Had planned on a good 4 mile after-work run but some friends were leaving town and needed some last minute repairs and buttoning up on their new RV, so I just canned it.

October 3
2 miles 18:00 Hyland Lake Loop
With an appointment at Premier Sports this morning I wanted to get in a good 4 miles before hand to try intentionally aggravating my knee but only had to get 1.5 miles when it began feeling really tight. Add that to the lower back pain I thought was on its way out, making movements this morning difficult due to the stiffness.  So, we worked on the back and knee today and both went well.  I was told that SI joint (?) on my back may flare up occasionally but will continue to get better and should be longer between episodes with time.  Left feeling much better and plan to push a hard 4 miles tonight, possibly 6 if I have the energy and no discomfort.

5 miles 38:25 Jensen Lake Long Route (yes another new one)
Trying new trails almost everyday is  an exciting exploration of Lebanon Hills Park. Mostly it keeps any run from becoming mundane even though I run the same 2 mile stretches at the onset and end of every run. Yesterday I decided to loop around the far lake about 2/3 towards the back of the park, my knee be damned. Several insights about the knee pain developed as I ran, and proved beneficial when assimilating into my form. I'll post a separate discussion on it another time. There's a lot of detail to explain.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 1, 2012

2 miles, 19:46 Jensen Lake 6:30am
October temperatures began wonderful this morning at 58 degrees. After leaping out of my car and stashing the keys I was bounding down from the trail head in a less than a minute. Great thing about warmer days with high dew points are the lack of fog on my glasses that obscure my view of the trail. At 0-dark thirty that is a double impairment.  By the time I got back to the car it was 7:05 leaving me 25 minutes to drive to work, change and open the store.  Quite often I overestimate my pace and think I'll be back at the car in 15 minutes like I was some kind of pro trail runner, and then end up late to whatever appointment I have. 

4.2 miles, 38 minutes 6:00pm Lebanon Hills west and Jensen Lake (backwards)
Really had a hankering for some pain this afternoon. I still love attacking that steep Horse trail at about the half way point on LH west, despite my tightening knee and occasional foot stings. When I got back to the trail head I walked across the parking lot to Jensen lake TH and decided to take an easy run the reverse direction I have always gone. More slow inclines or possibly the steep horse trails made the legs drag on the last two miles. The final mile my knee really stiffened up and I was dreading the walk back and rethinking the extra 2 miles I added on until I noticed my left leg was bowing out. Simply trying to straighten the outward flex helped mitigate the discomfort and I employed my new "hurry up strategy" to increase my pace and in turn decrease the time weight sits on my joints. My split times aren't accurate due to the lack of landmarks for me to gauge the miles but I am fairly certain the final mile ticked off ~7:30.

When I use MapMyRun on the two separate trails they both show about ~287ft of ascent but together it barely has 516ft. Many blogs I've read say the same thing; elevation gains on MMR under value the ascents. Anton has a watch with a barometer to track changes very accurately, something that would benefit a high altitude runner but with only rolling hills in Minnesota I could never justify the purchase.