October 8, 2012
2 miles 18:38, 6:30 am Jensen Lake
3.6 miles 35:00 6:30pm Neill Lake (2 laps)
October 9, 2012
2 miles 20:25 6:30am Jensen Lake
3.1 miles 28:15 6:00pm Jensen and 2 Ponds
October 10, 2012
October 11, 2012
2 miles, 20:00 6:30am Jensen Lake - felt worn out after the hard 3mile yesterday.
October 12, 2012
3.6 miles, 29:33 5:00pm Neill Lake (2 laps) felt good so went pretty hard.
October 13, 2012
8.0 miles, 1hr 20:13 Hyland Park - Hills!
First run in my new Altra's went well but the ironman socks were bad and had to stop and take them off the last mile due to chafing. AAANNND, speaking of chafing - it was cold but I was sweating heavily and the stiff wet polyester rubbed into my chest I had blood spots where my nipple were bleeding. Awesome! I've read about happening but thought it would only happen if one were to wear an all cotton shirt. Now if I'm going any further than 5 miles I band-aid up.
October 14, 2012
24.3 miles, 3hrs 52:04 elevation ~2000'
October 15, 2012
5.4 miles, 1hr 05:00 Tofte, Temperance River TH to overlook
Running on the Superior hiking trail was awesome while my back was feeling good. 1300' feet of elevation gain in 2.5 miles was tough but so enjoyable.
October 16, 2012
8.0 miles, 5hrs 30mins Lutsen Cascade River Loop
Hiking with Jen. Just sick hills up and down along the river up to highway 45 and back. Got my ass kicked on the return loop when Jen picked up the pace and I was lumbering over tree roots and down hills. Female endurance, what can ya do?
I'd like to have some long runs that go for 5 hours - epic!
October 17, 2012
6.4 miles, 1hr 15:24 Tofte, Temperance River to Carlton Peak
Awesome last day run to the overlook Jen and I hiked to last year on our Honeymoon. "Where's the Lake?" She was pretty tired after I dragged her all over the North Shore for 3 days.
October 18, 2012
4.3 miles, 37:52 Duluth from Motel to Lincoln park
Running on concrete again was agonizing. Cut the run short when the left lower knee had a sharp pain. Initially this was supposed to be an easy run. But like all routes in Duluth any turns to the west go up steep hills.
October 19, 2012
October 20, 2012
8.7 miles, 1hr 43:00 Hyland Lake in Reverse
This was a lot of fun getting to the ski jump quicker. Wasn't a great run, forgot my watch and stopped back at the car after 4 miles for a drink. Then at 7 miles that sharp pain in my knee returned and I walked for a half mile until it subsided and jogged back to the car. I'm fairly confident the time I actually ran was much less than what I estimated.
October 21, 2012
6.6 miles, 58:33 running intervals at the track ~ 7:30 miles x 4. 1 mile warm up, 1 mile cooldown barefoot on the infield.
31.4 miles, 5hrs 40:19 total elevation ~ 5500'
Trails up temperance river were fairly technical but not to the point where one might feel they will trip every step. Many of the sections where the trail is washing out have plank bridges that felt bouncy and give the slightest bit of nerves while crossing. Near the trail heads of many routes to the Superior hiking trail are maintained by a hiking club and are extremely well maintained.
I already miss the runs up north, though the mpm drops so much, the views the feel of the dirt,and bouncing around all the technical parts with each step were exciting. I'd like to take a few camping trips up there next summer for more!